It's SO BIG!
So let's be honest...you are probably reading this with nefarious thoughts. But I really want to talk to you about your plate and what...

On the eve of Boston Marathon, many of us get the “if onlys”. If only I could run like that. If only I wasn't so old. If only I wasn't so...

Do You Even Notice?
Based on numerous legislative pushes and our obesity crisis, our labels are quietly changing. While shopping today this is what I found:...

5 Reasons Why I Ditched The Gym! And other programs...
5 reasons why I ditched the gym and other weight loss programs Today I was walking to the craft store for some materials for an upcoming...

What's The POINT?
WHY WHY WHY? I am asking you why do you exercise? What motivates you to start, to get off the couch to move, to put down the giant bag...