On the eve of Boston Marathon, many of us get the “if onlys”.
If only I could run like that.
If only I wasn't so old.
If only I wasn't so out of shape.
If only I had the time to train.
THEN, I am sure I would do it or at least try. Man, those people are an inspiration.
You can do these things. You just have to be take that first big step and say, “I'm changing.”
That's really all it takes. Ok, well I'd be lying to you if I told you you didn't have to follow up with action. It's not easy to change and it can be scary, painful, and well downright ugly. Set a goal and make it happen. If I ask you (right this second) what your fitness goal is; probably the answer is lose weight, get in shape, ugh I don't know. Set a real goal...eat 2 vegetables a day for 5 days. Walk 20 minutes 3 days a week for 5 days. Otherwise you have no way of achieving get in shape, lose weight and you just get discouraged and let's be honest give up. Remember I'm always here for you.
You recall only 3 short years ago the bombing occurred at the marathon. During that bombing, one of the injured was Adrienne Haslet-Davis. She is a dancer who was determined to return to the stage- DONE !
But, this determined survivor decided she was running the marathon as well to raise money for Limbs for Life, an organization that provides limbs for amputees that can't afford them.
Adrienne is the first to admit that it hasn't been easy and that she is fortunate to have multiple limbs to train on and use.
As I write this, I can't even think how I can even complain about anything my own aches and pains. HOWEVER, we each have our own journey to take and our called to go on it. Just make sure you are not sitting on the sidelines of your path saying “if only”.
Please consider donating to Limbs for Life: http://limbsforlife.org/ http://www.adriannehaslet-davis.com/
and as always your questions and comments are welcome.