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Happy Birthday~ 4 Things I learned this year!

February always creeps up on me because January is just about the busiest month of the year for fitness professionals. So each February, I am always surprised that PembrokeFitWorks, LLC has had another birthday! So what has the last 3 years been like?

1. Changing lives, bodies, and helping people feel confident is the best feeling in the whole world. I can share numerous stories from the person who ran their first 5k with ease, their first 13.1, did their first plank, push-up, pull-up since high school, lost weight, changed their eating habits, etc, etc. It really does make me happy when you increase your weights or tell me that you buttoned up those long lost pants. It's a huge win!

2. Cold metal- I mean like COLD metal doesn't really make anyone want to curl weights. This years cold weather has made it really hard for me to transport all my dumbbells. You would think I ride with the windows open they way those puppies feel.

3. Counting and timing is harder than you think especially those of you who are in couples sessions. I am VERY much focused on your form and your workout sequence. I may make you do one or two more occasionally but it's because I am always watching you and thinking.

4. Though my boss is pretty tough, I love this job. I love that I can train my family and myself. I can hardly believe that I am the same woman who at 30 thought I was too old and feeble to run in a 5k. Now, a 5K is a snap- that blows my mind especially when I struggled to walk around that track. Fitness is just a way of life for me!

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEMBROKEFITWORKS, LLC- We are 3 years old this year! Thank you so much to all the support, love, and dedication of my clients, family, and friends.

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